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IQ Clarity is a DBJ "Best Place to Work"!

IQ Clarity has been named one of the Best Places to Work by the Denver Business Journal in 2023.

The nomination comes from an analysis of surveys submitted by employees. Results showed a high level of job satisfaction and engagement, as well as a passion for IQ Clarity's work in the staffing industry. "There is a real sense of pride that we share when we can match an amazing person with work that inspires them", says Katie Taft, Director of Business Operations. "It's exciting to see our client's businesses grow with people we have chosen for them based on understanding their culture and mission. Having a hand in creating these communities is very rewarding".

IQ Clarity recognizes their team as their most important asset. Employees mostly noted in the survey that company leadership has a high level of integrity and values people first. The main word used to describe working conditions was "flexible". These are values that IQ Clarity's leadership strives for and are pleased to see being practiced day in and day out.

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